Qaṣidah Burdah karya Imam al-Buṣiri pada tulisan ini merupakan objek materialnya. The results of this study revealed that the Jinas in Qasidah Burdah found scattered in the 172 couplets. In the study of general linguistics, Jinas equated with the term homonym, homophones, and homograph. Broadly speaking, Jinas discussion centered on words that have similar sounds and shapes but have different meanings. While the theory of Jinas a formal object that will be used as a knife analysis in this paper, Jinas itself is one of the many branches and kinds of Muḥassināt al-Lafẓiyyah (how embellish language at the level of the word) summarized in the Badi' science category. JINAS DALAM QAṢIDAH BURDAH IMAM AL-BUṢIRI (Studi Analilis Balaghah) Oleh : Nur Huda Abstract Qasidah Burdah of Imam al-Busiri is a material object in this paper.