may notice reduced speeds until next monthly cycle due to data prioritization. Learn about GMN Optimizer at Its a wi-fi hotspot, router and firewall for satellite phone data. During congestion the small fraction of customers using >50GB/mo. Network Management: Service may be slowed, suspended, terminated, or restricted for misuse, abnormal use, interference with our network or ability to provide quality service to other users, or roaming. Optional educational filtering may prevent some video streaming or other content. For best performance, leave any video streaming applications at their default automatic resolution setting. Optimization may affect speed of video downloads does not apply to video uploads. Monthly Regulatory Programs (RPF) & Telco Recovery Fee (TRF) totaling $1.40 per data only line ($0.12 for RPF & $1.28 for TRF) apply. Excessive switching between data allotments may be limited. Monthly data service ends at 100GB on $12 plan. Confirm your program can accept free equipment and/or service. Must verify student National School Lunch Program eligibility. Intended for student mobile connectivity. We’re helping school districts close the schoolwork gap by offering FREE hotspots and internet to 10 million households.